Shopping cart




To manage your store, go to Settings in NORDIINA Dashboard left menu.  A group of settings sections are there:

You can manage:

  • Store
  • Brand
  • Billing
  • Shipping
  • Policies
  • Vacation Mode
  • Customer Support

You can manage store basic setting from here:

  • Store Logo
  • Store Name
  • Store Slug
  • Store description

You can manage store advance settings from here:

  • Store Banner
  • Store Phone
  • Store Address

You can setup billing details from here. Options are available as per NORDIINA admin settings:

  • Payment method
  • PayPal Email
  • Bank a/c details
  • Stripe Connect (coming soon)

Setup your store shipping from here. Shipping options are available as per NORDIINA shipping settings –

  • Zone wise shipping rate setup
  • NORDIINA Advance shipping also supported

You may also check NORDIINA shipping documentation for further assistance.

Setup your store policy from here. Policy options are available as per NORDIINA policy settings –

  • Policy Tab Label
  • Shipping Policy
  • Refund Policy
  • Cancellation Policy

Enable/disable your store vacation mode from here. Vacation message will be displayed over your Store page.

Setup your store customer support from here. Customer Support options are available as per NORDIINA settings.

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